How to Give Constructive Criticism in the Workplace: 6 Steps to Success

In this video, Crystal & Sunshine outline six steps for giving constructive criticism effectively in the workplace.

Video Summary

Six steps for giving constructive criticism effectively in the workplace:

  1. Use the feedback sandwich method: Start with strengths, then address areas of improvement, and end with positive solutions.
  2. Focus on the situation, not the person: Address the issue rather than blaming or criticizing the individual.
  3. Do your research: Gather facts and talk to involved parties to ensure specific and accurate feedback.
  4. Comment on actionable items: Discuss behaviors that can be changed or improved upon, offering support and assistance.
  5. Give specific recommendations: Offer practical steps for improvement rather than vague criticism.
  6. Avoid making assumptions: Base feedback on observed behavior rather than personal assumptions or feelings.

Additionally, it’s advised to end the conversation on a positive note and show care and interest in the individual’s well-being.

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Published by

Crystal Shanks

Crystal Shanks, Certified Business Coach and CEO of Run Right Business Consulting, has been coaching business owners and executives around the world to achieve optimum results since 2009. Coach Crystal teaches her clients proven strategies to build thriving businesses and careers. She has worked with thousands of businesses and executives to generate substantial revenues and maximize profits.